Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Creative Writing

Welcome to Creative Writing!
Day Two--October 22nd, 2014

When You Come In
  1. Please initial next to your name on the clipboard, please.
  2. Find your desk with your name sticky note on it in—it’s the same one you sat in yesterday.

Procedures Review
  1. Sign in every day when you arrive.
  2. Check the big screen to see what you should have ready when class starts.

Materials to Bring to Class Every Day
1.     Small three-ring binder for class.
2.     Writing implement and paper
3.     Computer, fully charged

Trust (Review)
  • Why is Trust Important?
  • What Does It Look Like?

My Expectation:  during this classtime we have together, you are always working on Creative Writing.  To that end, if you finish with any assignment today before I call time, this is what I want you to do:

Reading Assignment:  Earthbook
1.      Read and relax .  (This means you read for enjoyment.)  :-)
2.     If you’re reading a piece, and you stop enjoying it, turn the page!
3.     Did you find a piece you thought was really strong?  Or really funny?  Then record it on your worksheet.
4.     NOTE:  Make sure your reason for selecting it is a well-constructed, detailed, two sentences for each piece you pick.
DUE DATE:  Turn in this assignment to the top black tray at the end of the block today.

Writing Experiment #1
Ghosts, Monsters and Bullies (poem)

What did you fear when you were young?
  • Spiders?                                                                  
  • The dark?
  • Zombies?
  • The vacuum?
  • Clowns?

Tell me one thing you remember fearing when you were young, and I’ll record them here:
  • deep water
  • clowns
  • ghosts (2)
  • squirrels
  • Chucky
  • looking out the window at night
  • claustrophobia
  • shots
  • getting lost on the road
  • getting lost at Wal-Mart, etc.
  • death/dead people
  • getting kidnapped
  • tornados and storms
  • parents
  • spiders
  • the dark
  • open closet doors (with possible Conjuring hands)

1.      Write a poem about one of your childhood fears.
2.     Type a poem that tells a story about a time you were afraid as a child.
3.     Try to get at least twenty lines.
4.    Give it a strong title that adds a dimension to the poem.
Other Details
  • Use MLA format for heading.
  • On the computer, title it “WE#1--Childhood Fear Poem.”

Sharing and Work Time
  • This poem will be read by ONE other person in this room.
  • Work Time = scant 20 minutes
  • Starting @; ending about

I read models in class.  Keep in mind, these are REVISED versions of this assigment, so the rough draft you’re writing today will be, well, rougher than these:

Leah Evans (below)

The Vacuum

I can hear it
The sound that echoes through the house
The sound of impending doom
The cleaner
The vacuum cleaner
It snatches up everything in its path
The pin
The wrapper
The little, red Lego left out of the box
Then I feel it
The rumbling in the floor
It’s getting closer
I can smell it
It smells like burning rubber
Just as I start to let out a blood-curdling scream
My mom is done
Unaware of the trauma induced by her cleaning
She cuts off its power
There is no more noise
No more vibration from the beast
All is silent
But I know it will be back
For its moment
To attack
Next time I will be ready
Ready to defend
My Family

  1. Write a poem about one of your childhood fears, that tells a story about a time you were afraid as a child.
  2. Type at least twenty lines.
  3. Give it a strong title that adds a dimension to the poem.
  4. Type it in google drive.

Reminder:  The only acceptable places to be on your computer today are as follows:
1.      The blog/schoology (for assignment requirements)
2.     The sites/links on the blog
3.—bookmark it now, peeps!
4.     Google drive
5.     iTunes/Pandora
NOTE:  If LAN School tells me you are any place else, you lose half-credit on your daily assignment, which cannot be made up.  Make sure you are on WCSD—STUDENT so your computer is visible to me; otherwise, you lose half-credit as well.

Last Twenty Minutes of Class:  Vocabulary

  1. Join my quizlet class.  The link is on schoology.
  2. Study the set I’ve created for you there:  “Poetry Terms”.
  3. (We will need this vocabulary when we peer conference our Ghosts, Monsters, Bullies poems.)


Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

  • Sign in, lovelies!  Thanks!
  • Grab the two green sheets off the sign-in table!

Materials Needed for Class
  • Small three-ring binder
  • Writing implement
  • Computer every day, fully charged
  • Five dividers

Review Big Picture
Based on the title of this class, what skills do you think we’re going to be working on this term?  
1.      Reading closely
2.     Annotating
3.     Vocabulary-Building
4.     Note-Taking
5.     Academic Discussion
6.    Thinking—I put this last, but really, let’s not forget to think—deal?
NOTE:  You’ve received a copy of the syllabus today, and I’ve posted a copy of the syllabus on schoology in the “Big Picture Reading” folder, FYI.

Journal Response (Ten Minutes)

“The unread story is not a story;
it is little black marks on wood pulp.
The reader, reading it,
makes it live: a live thing, a story.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

Strategy:  I used a reading strategy called phrasing, or chunking, where you break a long, complex sentence or paragraph into smaller, more manageable bits, to try to understand it better.

Review:  How can we respond to a quote?
➢ Connect:     Relate to it by making a connection to yourself.
➢ Question:    Ask a question(s).
➢ Comment:   Agree with it, in part or in whole.
➢ Comment:   Disagree with it, in part or in whole.
➢ Clarify:        Say what you think it means.
➢ Connect:     Relate to it by making a connection to something else you’ve seen or read.
…or anything else you want to write to show your thinking about the quote
  • Starting at 11:57; ending at 12:07-ish

Journal Response Explanation
  • NOW:  Share with a NEW person today.  Write your partner TWO specific comments, and aim for academic language in your writing.
1.      At least two detailed sentences
a.     Agree.
b.    Tell him/her if the journal made you think of a new idea/or something you hadn’t considered.
c.     Add on to an idea he/she says.
d.    Compliment their vocabulary—diction!
e.     Disagree, respectfully.
2.     Signed by you
3.     Make sure your name, date and “LeGuin Quote” are at the top of your paper.
4.     Read your partner’s comments, then turn it in in the class drawer.

Reading and Annotating
  1. Think as you read—that’s part of active reading.
  2. Take a look at the annotation models—I need you in four groups.  
  3. Okay, take a look, page by page, at the annotation models I’ve given you.  
  4. Give everyone in the group a few pages.  
  5. NOW:  Read the annotations on the pages you have, and keep track on your notebook paper of what people are doing.
  6. Then circle-talk about what you noticed in your pages.  Go in a circle, and let EACH PERSON SHARE ONE, until everyone goes, then repeat.
  7. Add an item to your list, if you didn’t already have it.
  8. In your circle talk, your group should collaboratively come up with at least fifteen things you notice the readers doing when they annotate.

Wrap It Up
  1. Return your annotated pages to me.
  2. Tuck your list of annotations in your folder, and we will talk about them tomorrow.

Vocabulary (fifteen minutes)

11:25 and 12:52--LAST TEN MINUTES--EXPLANATION OF HOMEWORK (On Schoology)--you don’t need your computers out.  I’m going to show you a few things on my screen though.
  • If your name is here, I need you to restart your computer between now and tomorrow:  Kyle, Maribelle, Mack R, Michael.

Due Thursday:     
  • What Does a Good Reader Do to Understand and Remember?
Due Monday:        
  • College-Prep Survey
Due Every Day:   

  • Study the quizlet words for ten minute

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